If the the very prospect of your interview still gives you bad dreams, yet more preparation will calm you down. Start by googling your prospective
interviewers. Not only will they seem less like strangers when you
meet, but a special interest mentioned can suggest topics that might come
Don’t, though, try to plough
through an interviewer’s book at this stage. It may still be well above your
head anyway. Focus on practical things instead. If your Oxbridge
interviews involve an overnight stay, pack something that will take your mind
off the challenges ahead. For some people, that will be a thriller, for others
Rescue Remedy or their favourite chocs.
Once up, get to know some of the other candidates (who may become fellow students), rather than just viewing them as potential rivals. Some will have read books or explored subject areas you never even heard off, but don’t worry now. Interview questions can usually be handled by drawing on a variety of sources.
If a term or author mentioned really baffles you, have a quick look online, but don’t spend hours trying to catch up. You want to stay fresh enough to display your own knowledge and engage with new ideas.
Still worried you might embarrass yourself in front of those super-clever interviewers? Remember that this is actually not what they’re trying to achieve. They’re just experts looking for yet more good learners keen on the much loved course they teach.
Most will try hard to make you feel welcome, but don’t be put off by an interviewer who seems unfriendly or glum. It does not mean that black-gowned figure hates your accent, school or cutting-edge haircut. The poor soul may simply be exhausted after interviewing a dozen students in one day. Other great minds, however well-meaning, merely lack the social skills to put a stranger at ease. Either way, they will still be taking in everything you say and discuss it with fellow interviewers later.
So, keep relating to what you are being asked, instead of fretting about the feel of the event. And, if you really want to be liked, practise speaking up; whispering, mumbling students are the bane of a don’s life.
While doing so, keep in mind one more, absolutely key interview skill: answering the question actually asked (rather than the one you would like it to have been). Also, remember that interview questions are meant to be hard, so don’t despair if you got the odd answer wrong.
Once up, get to know some of the other candidates (who may become fellow students), rather than just viewing them as potential rivals. Some will have read books or explored subject areas you never even heard off, but don’t worry now. Interview questions can usually be handled by drawing on a variety of sources.
If a term or author mentioned really baffles you, have a quick look online, but don’t spend hours trying to catch up. You want to stay fresh enough to display your own knowledge and engage with new ideas.
Still worried you might embarrass yourself in front of those super-clever interviewers? Remember that this is actually not what they’re trying to achieve. They’re just experts looking for yet more good learners keen on the much loved course they teach.
Most will try hard to make you feel welcome, but don’t be put off by an interviewer who seems unfriendly or glum. It does not mean that black-gowned figure hates your accent, school or cutting-edge haircut. The poor soul may simply be exhausted after interviewing a dozen students in one day. Other great minds, however well-meaning, merely lack the social skills to put a stranger at ease. Either way, they will still be taking in everything you say and discuss it with fellow interviewers later.
So, keep relating to what you are being asked, instead of fretting about the feel of the event. And, if you really want to be liked, practise speaking up; whispering, mumbling students are the bane of a don’s life.
While doing so, keep in mind one more, absolutely key interview skill: answering the question actually asked (rather than the one you would like it to have been). Also, remember that interview questions are meant to be hard, so don’t despair if you got the odd answer wrong.
Lastly, wise students are aware that interviewers expect fairly detailed answers. Just yes or no is never what they're looking for. So try to cover "what, why and how" if possible. Can you explain events, analyse texts or calculate outcomes? Show a knack for logical or lateral thinking? And, if a totally unfamiliar scenario is put in front of you, can you draw on what you do know to engage with it?
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